As a Business Growth and Marketing Expert Jack helps companies and local entrepreneurs grow their business utilising proven and tested business and marketing strategies.
With over 10 years’ experience in business he has positively impacted on 1000 small and medium sized businesses with his training, consulting, international speaking and advice. An active entrepreneur and business owner, Jack has worked with Universal Music and owned a Digital Music Distribution Business. He was involved in marketing campaigns for concerns such as Western Union, Mercedes, Ruuki, Hewlett Packard and numerous other well-known brands.
He shares his experience, business and marketing knowledge with entrepreneurs as he believes every business owner deserves the right to learn the best proven and tested business growth
strategies. He never experiments with his clients’ budgets and is passionate about his clients’ results.
It is no coincidence that they call him a “friend” of their business.
Jack is also an owner of Brackets (A Modern Digital Agency) and a founder of SME Business Academy
– Community of Experts for Small Businesses.